Google Maps Platform FAQ

Getting Started

  • What is the Google Maps Platform?
  • How do I get started with Google Maps Platform?
  • Which API do I need?
  • How do I start using the APIs on my site?
  • Which countries does the Google Maps Platform encompass?
  • Tin I put Google Maps on my site without using Google Maps Platform products?
  • How do I deliver Maps applications on mobile devices?
  • Which web browsers do the Maps JavaScript API and Maps Embed API support?
  • Tin can I print maps from the Maps JavaScript API?
  • How can I be notified when there are changes to Google Maps Platform products?
  • How practice I contact technical support?
  • When is technical support available?
  • How practise I recover access to my Google Account?
  • How practise I recover access to a specific project?
  • Can I use the Maps and Places SDK for iOS on Arm-based Macs?

Agreement the terms of service

  • What are the terms of service for Google Maps Platform products?
  • Does my site meet the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service?
  • Can I straight admission map tiles and satellite imagery?
  • Tin can I use Google Maps Platform products for tracking applications?
  • Can I use Google Maps Platform products in my not-Spider web application?
  • Can I utilize Google Maps Platform products on a site that is password protected?
  • Can I create an awarding that includes Google Maps Platform data in a document?
  • How tin can I opt out of including my content in Google search results?
  • Can I generate a map image using the Maps Static API which I store and serve from my website?

Usage limits and billing

  • How practise I set up billing for my project?
  • How practise Google Deject Platform Free Tier customers upgrade to a paid account?
  • Does the Google Maps Platform have usage limits?
  • How is usage cost calculated?
  • How are map loads counted on the Google Maps Platform?
  • How do I monitor my quota usage?
  • What happens if I exceed the usage limits?
  • My site gets a lot of traffic. Can I use Google Maps Platform products?
  • If my web site or application becomes suddenly popular, will my maps stop working?
  • How volition usage exist calculated and billed?
  • How much does it cost to use the Google Maps Platform?
  • Is pricing available in other currencies?
  • I've prepare billing. How do I view my pecker?
  • How exercise I avert a large neb if my usage unexpectedly increases?
  • I got a message saying that my project is linked to the "Google Maps Platform Transition Account", but I don't accept access to that account. What practise I exercise?
  • Why is my quota limit fix to i request per day? How tin can I raise this limit?
  • I received a billing violation notice. How do I resolve this?

Using the Google Maps Platform

  • Which keys or credentials should I use for dissimilar Google Maps Platform products?
  • How do I switch my key brake type from an HTTP referer to an IP accost restriction?
  • How practise I get a new API key?
  • How can I detect the changes introduced in each version of the Google Maps Platform?
  • How tin I load the API into a page asynchronously after the page has loaded?
  • How tin I get Google Maps Platform products to display in a language other than English language?
  • Tin the Google Maps Platform be accessed over SSL (HTTPS)?
  • How practise I report a bug or asking a new feature in the Google Maps Platform?
  • How exercise Google Maps Platform APIs utilise site cookies?
  • I tin't find the answer to my question. Who should I contact?

Errors and troubleshooting

  • What does this error mean?
  • My maps appear darker than usual. What'south happening?
  • How practise I resolve the error codes OVER_DAILY_LIMIT or OVER_QUERY_LIMIT?
  • How do I resolve the mistake codes: kGMSPlacesRateLimitExceeded or 9005 PLACES_API_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED?
  • How practice I resolve the error: "This IP, site or mobile application is non authorized to utilise this API fundamental."?
  • How do I resolve the error: "API keys with referer restrictions cannot be used with this API."?

Google Maps Platform Services

  • I need to convert addresses to latitude/longitude pairs. Can I do that with the Google Maps Platform?
  • Which countries is geocoding available in?
  • Why practise the Google Maps Platform Geocoders provide unlike locations than Google Maps?
  • How should I format my geocoder queries to maximise the number of successful requests?
  • How should I format a U.S. address on a numbered highway for geocoding?
  • When should I use an API geocoder class and when should I employ the HTTP Geocoding Service?
  • How do I provide driving directions with the Google Maps Platform?
  • In which countries are driving directions available?
  • In which countries are transit directions bachelor?
  • Which KML and GeoRSS features are supported in the Maps JavaScript API?
  • What are the limits on the size and complexity of KML that tin be displayed using the KmlLayer class of the Maps JavaScript API?
  • How practise I render KML files that are hosted on intranet sites on a map?
  • What is the maximum number of markers or path vertices supported by the Maps Static API?
  • Why can't I access Google Maps Platform products for certain countries?
  • How do I report a problem on the Google basemap?
  • How is performance monitored for the services used with Maps JavaScript API?

Google Maps SDK for iOS

  • In Xcode 12, apps do not build correctly for the simulator. How can I ready this?
  • How do I resolve the error: kGMSPlacesRateLimitExceeded?
  • I'thousand getting crashes when debugging with an iOS 8.10 device. What should I do?
  • What'due south the impact of rounded and wider screens on the Google Maps iOS SDK?

Google Maps SDK for Android

  • How do I resolve the error: 9001 Operation failed due to exceeding the quota usage limit?
  • My app but shows blank grey tiles instead of a map. How tin can I resolve this?

URL signing

  • Can I sign URLs using JavaScript?
  • Why am I receiving a HTTP 403 Forbidden response to my Maps API spider web service requests?

Getting Started

What is the Google Maps Platform?

The Google Maps Platform is a set of APIs and SDKs that allows developers to embed Google Maps into mobile apps and web pages, or to think data from Google Maps. There are several offerings. Depending on your needs, yous may find yourself using ane or a combination of these APIs and SDKs:


  • Maps JavaScript API
  • Maps SDK for Android
  • Maps SDK for iOS
  • Maps Static API
  • Street View Static API
  • Maps URLs
  • Maps Embed API


  • Directions API
  • Distance Matrix API
  • Roads API


  • Places API
  • Places SDK for Android
  • Places SDK for iOS
  • Places Library, Maps JavaScript API
  • Geocoding API
  • Geolocation API
  • Time Zone API
How practice I get started with Google Maps Platform?

See Go Started with Google Maps Platform.

Which API do I need?

For help in finding the right API based on your functional requirements, take a await at the API picker.

How do I first using the APIs on my site?

See the Overview, Developer, and Get Started guides for the specific API or SDK you are interested in. For example, check out the guides for Maps SDK for Android or Maps JavaScript API.

Which countries does the Google Maps Platform cover?

The Google Maps team is constantly pushing new map data out and increasing our international coverage. Consult the Google Maps coverage data for the latest coverage information. Yous can filter the information with the filter box at the peak of the page. Please note that coverage data can change if licensing agreements with the data providers change.

As well see:

  • How can I go Google Maps Platform products to display in a linguistic communication other than English?
  • In which countries are transit directions available?
Can I put Google Maps on my site without using Google Maps Platform products?

Yes. Google Maps now offers the power to embed the map that y'all're viewing into your website or blog, without whatsoever programming or use of the Google Maps Platform. More than information is available here.

How practise I deliver Maps applications on mobile devices?

To incorporate maps in an Android application, employ the Maps SDK for Android.

To incorporate maps in a native iOS application, utilise the Maps SDK for iOS.

The Maps JavaScript API has been adult to cater to mobile devices, and is suitable for browser applications targeted at both the desktop and devices that include a web browser with a full JavaScript implementation, such as the Apple tree iPhone.

For applications targeted at devices non suitable for using the Maps JavaScript API, the Maps Static API delivers map images in GIF, JPG, and PNG formats, including markers and polylines. Note that utilize of the Maps Static API outside of browser based applications requires that the map prototype exist linked to Google Maps.

Which web browsers do the Maps JavaScript API and Maps Embed API back up?

The Maps JavaScript API and Maps Embed API support the following web browsers:

  • The electric current version of Microsoft Border (Windows)
  • The current and previous versions of Firefox (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • The current and previous versions of Chrome (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • The current and previous versions of Safari (macOS)

Beginning in August 2021, a alert message will appear to Internet Explorer 11 users at the top of maps. The last version of the Maps JavaScript API to support Internet Explorer xi is v3.47. Support for Cyberspace Explorer xi volition be entirely discontinued in Baronial 2022. This also applies to the IE style in Edge.

  • The current version of Chrome on Android 4.1+.
  • Chrome WebView on Android iv.four+.
  • Mobile Safari on the current and previous major versions of iOS.
  • UIWebView and WKWebView on the current and previous major versions of iOS.
  • The electric current version of Chrome for iOS.
Can I impress maps from the Maps JavaScript API?

Printing from the Maps JavaScript API is not supported. This is considering printing support is inconsistent across commonly used browsers.

How tin I be notified when at that place are changes to Google Maps Platform products?

You lot should subscribe to the Google Maps Platform Blog for news updates beyond the various Google Geo developer offerings.

How do I contact technical support?

See Google Maps Platform Support and Resource for information virtually available support options.

When is technical support bachelor?
The support team is available 24x5 (weekdays from Monday 9 a.m. Tokyo time to Friday 5 p.k. Pacific time) excluding regional holidays for "service unusable" issues.
How can I recover access to my Google Account?

If you lost access to your Google Account (eastward.g. or, you lot can endeavour restoring the business relationship access by retrieving or resetting your password. Visit the How to recover your Google Account or Gmail commodity in Google Account Help.

  • Note: To restore access to a G Suite account, ask your System admin to undelete the account.
How can I recover access to a specific project?

If you lost access to the project where you lot manage your Google Maps Platform implementation, you can try to recover it.

If y'all have access to your projection-associated Google Business relationship:

  • If you lot know the Project Possessor and have access to your Google Business relationship: Enquire the Project Owner to add yous every bit a Project Owner or Projection Editor.
    • If your project is part of an Organization: Contact your System admins and ask them to add y'all as a Project Owner.
  • If you do not know whatever of the current Project Owners: If yous don't know who the Project Possessor is, or the Project Possessor is unavailable, contact the support squad to explore additional options to recover the projection.

If you do non have access to your projection-associated Google Account:

  • If you lost access to your Google Account: endeavor to recover your username or password for your account.
  • If you cannot recover access to your Google Account: Create a new Google Account, then contact an existing projection possessor and ask them to add your new Google Business relationship to the project.
Can I use the Maps and Places SDK for iOS on Arm-based Macs?

Developing on the new Arm-based Macs is possible, however, it requires building and running on a concrete iOS device. This is a temporary limitation while nosotros wait into calculation more support for developing on simulators.

Agreement the terms of service

What are the terms of service for Google Maps Platform products?

The Google Maps Platform Terms of Service are available at:

Does my site come across the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service?

You can utilize the Google Maps Platform within your applications as long equally your site meets the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.

All the same, there are some uses of the Google Maps Platform that we just don't want to run across: maps that identify the places to buy illegal drugs in a urban center, for case, or whatever other illegal activity. We too respect people's privacy, so the Google Maps Platform shouldn't be used to identify private data about individuals.

You lot should use your own counsel to determine whether your application complies with the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service before yous develop and launch information technology. Google engineers can only offer technical assistance and are not qualified to offer legal advice. Google reserves the right to suspend or stop your use of the service at any time, so please read the Maps APIs Terms carefully.

Can I straight access map tiles and satellite imagery?

Yous may non access map tiles or satellite imagery through whatever mechanism as well the Google Maps Platform (such as the creation of your own mapping API or the utilise of a majority tile download script). Your awarding'southward access to the tiles will be blocked if information technology accesses them outside of the Google Maps Platform. See the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service for more than details.

Tin can I employ Google Maps Platform products for tracking applications?

There is no restriction on displaying existent-fourth dimension data (tracking) with Google Maps Platform products provided that the application complies with the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.

Tin can I utilise Google Maps in my non-Web awarding?

Aye, Google Maps Platform products can at present exist used in non-Web applications, provided that they adhere to the other restrictions of the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.

The Maps JavaScript API is simply supported when run in one of the supported browsers.

Tin I use Google Maps Platform products on a site that is countersign protected?

Yeah, Google Maps, Routes, Places services can be used with private-access applications. See the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service for more details.

Tin I create an awarding that includes Google Maps Platform data in a document?

If your application generates a document, either in electronic or printed form, no data from Google Maps Platform, including images, may be included in the certificate. Please encounter the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service "No Scraping" section for more details.

How can I opt out of including my content in Google search results?

We are no longer collecting this data. The use of the indexing parameter has been deprecated and has no effect. You no longer demand to opt out explicitly, but nosotros encourage you to remove this parameter at your earliest convenience.

To remove your page or site from search results, follow the instructions provided in our webmaster aid heart.

Can I generate a map image using the Maps Static API which I store and serve from my website?

Yous may not store and serve copies of images generated using the Maps Static API from your website. All web pages that require static images must link the src aspect of an HTML img tag or the CSS background-image attribute of an HTML div tag directly to the Maps Static API so that all map images are displayed within the HTML content of the web page and served directly to finish users by Google.

Usage limits and billing

How do I fix billing for my projection?
See Get Started with Google Maps Platform.
How do Google Cloud Platform Gratuitous Tier customers upgrade to a paid account?
The Google Deject Platform Gratis Tier program provides customers a no-charge trial with a $300 credit to utilize with any Google Deject Platform (GCP) service, including the Google Maps Platform (GMP) APIs. When the no-charge trial ends, y'all must upgrade to a paid account to continue using these services. To upgrade to a paid account, visit the Cloud Console.
Does the Google Maps Platform take usage limits?

There are no maximum daily limits on the number of requests you can brand to Google Maps Platform products, and the but usage limits are related to the maximum number of queries per 2d (QPS). (For Altitude Matrix, the limit is set in events per second (EPS) calculated as the sum of client-side and server-side queries.) The post-obit table shows the usage limit for each API.

API Usage limit
Directions 50 QPS
Altitude Matrix grand EPS
Elevation 100 QPS
Geocoding 50 QPS
Geolocation 100 QPS
Dynamic Maps 500 QPS
Static Maps 500 QPS
Street View Prototype API 500 QPS
Time Zone 500 QPS
Places (except for mobile) 100 QPS
Roads 500 QPS

In club to govern expenditures, you tin monitor your API usage, and gear up daily limits to all requests to whatsoever billable API.

Google Maps Platform products must be deployed in compliance with the standard Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.

How is usage cost calculated?

For an overview of pricing for the Google Maps Platform products, please come across the Pricing Canvass.

To larn more virtually how Google Maps Platform APIs are billed, please run into Understanding billing for Maps, Routes, and Places.

How are map loads counted on the Google Maps Platform?

A single map load is charged when any of the following occur:

  • A web folio or awarding displays a map using the Maps JavaScript API.
  • An awarding requests a single map paradigm from the Maps Static API.

Street View panoramas are charged separately from map loads:

  • A static Street View panorama is charged for each request to the Street View Static API to embed a static (not-interactive) Street View panorama.
  • A dynamic Street View panorama is charged for each instantiation of a panorama object in a Maps JavaScript API, Maps SDK for Android, Maps SDK for iOS application.

Afterwards a web folio or application loads a map, or a static map image, or a Street View panorama, whatever user interactions with it, such every bit panning, zooming, or switching map layers, practice not generate additional map loads or affect usage limits.

How practice I monitor my usage?

Yous can monitor the usage of individual APIs in the Google Cloud Console.

  1. Select the project that contains the API yous want to review.
  2. From the listing of APIs on the Dashboard, click the name of the API.
  3. Most the acme of the page, click Metrics or Quotas.

To meet a traffic report and billing information for an entire project, follow these steps:

  1. If you lot haven't already done and so, fix up billing.
  2. Go to the Cloud Console billing page.
  3. Select a project.
  4. In the left sidebar, click Reports. Apply the filters on the right sidebar to view reports on your billing account.

To learn more than, encounter Google Maps Platform Reporting equally well as Monitoring your API Usage and Capping API Usage.

What happens if I exceed the asking charge per unit (QPS) limits?

If you exceed the QPS limits of a given Google Maps Platform product, the API will render an fault message. If you repeatedly exceed the limits, your access to the API may be temporarily blocked.

If you exceed the request QPS limits or otherwise corruption the service, requests will return a specific error message. If you continue to exceed limits, your access to the Google Maps Platform may be blocked.

Note: Four of the web service APIs have an equivalent customer-side service available in the Maps JavaScript API: Directions, Distance Matrix, Meridian, and Geocoding.

Usage limits exceeded

If y'all exceed the usage limits you lot volition get an OVER_QUERY_LIMIT status code as a response.

This means that the web service will finish providing normal responses and switch to returning only status lawmaking OVER_QUERY_LIMIT until more usage is allowed once again. This tin happen within a few seconds, if the fault was received because your application sent besides many requests per second.

If you regularly exceed your QPS usage limits, consider lowering usage, by optimizing applications to use Google Maps Platform products more efficiently. Come across the Optimization Guide for more than information.

My site gets a lot of traffic. Tin can I use Google Maps Platform products?

Yep. Withal we recommend that y'all familiarize yourself with the usage limits for whatsoever of the Google Maps Platform that your awarding relies on.

Once you have a billing business relationship, if y'all exceed the no-charge, $200-monthly usage limit and you practice not take a valid payment method on your billing account (credit carte, bank transfer, ...), the API ceases to function until you add a valid payment method.

How will usage be calculated and billed?

Usage is calculated at the end of each day, and priced equally shown in the Pricing Canvas. At the end of every month, the total usage is charged to the payment method associated with your billing account. For more information, see Google Maps Platform Billing.

How much does it toll to use the Google Maps Platform?

See the Pricing Sheet for an overview of toll per API. If your application generates requests or map load volumes beneath the costless $200 per month usage, your usage is not charged. Usage that exceeds the $200 monthly credit will be charged to your billing account. For more details, meet our guide to understanding Google Maps Platform billing.

Is pricing available in other currencies?

Additional currencies may be available within the panel. When you lot select a different currency, rates will convert from the USD equivalent listed on our Pricing Sail.

I've set upward billing. How practise I view my bill?

Google charges you at the offset of each calendar month for the previous month's activity, using your specified payment method. For details nigh your bill, meet our guide to understanding Google Maps Platform billing.

Additional resources:

  • Learn how to view your cost and payment history.
  • Learn how to get an invoice or payment receipt.
  • Learn how to set and manage billing alerts.
How do I avoid a large beak if my usage unexpectedly increases?

The Google Maps Platform provides ways to set daily request limits and set maximum daily billable limits. You can cap the maximum daily limit on usage to protect against unexpected increases. Y'all tin as well set budget alerts to receive email notifications when the charges on the billing business relationship attain a threshold you set.

Capping the maximum daily billable limit:

To avoid a large bill, you lot can set a daily cap on usage to protect against unexpected increases in employ. You can modify this limit in the Cloud Console past taking the following steps:

  1. Become to the APIs & Services Dashboard.
  2. Select a project if prompted.
  3. Select an API from the list, then click the Quotas tab.
  4. Click the edit icon next to the "requests per 24-hour interval" quota.

Alternatively, you tin edit multiple quotas for multiple APIs using the IAM & admin Quotas dashboard.

Setting and managing budget alerts:

Prepare budget alerts to send email notifications to billing administrators when the charges on the billing account reach a threshold y'all prepare. Billing administrators volition be sent email notifications when the estimated charges on the billing account exceed 50%, 90%, and 100% of the threshold.

I got a message saying that my projection is linked to the "Google Maps Platform Transition Account", but I don't take access to that account. What do I do?

The "Google Maps Platform Transition Business relationship" was created to help certain customers transition to our new pay-equally-you-get pricing programme. This transition account enabled Google to provide these customers with a one-time credit, so that they could go along using Google Maps Platform up to the limit of the $200 no-charge tier. One time this limit is exceeded, the billing account will close downwardly and you will lose access to the service. To avoid service interruptions, we urge you to set your own billing business relationship, and go along to enjoy the $200 monthly no-accuse tier. To modify the billing business relationship for your project:

  1. Create a new billing account (if you already have a billing account, yous can skip this step).
  2. Associate the billing business relationship with your projection.
Why is my quota limit gear up to 1 asking per solar day? How tin can I raise this limit?

If you take non created and attached a billing business relationship to your projection, your Maps Platform APIs will be limited to 1 asking per mean solar day. You can get higher quota by creating and attaching a billing account. To do this, run into Go Started with Google Maps Platform.

One time yous accept created and fastened a billing account, your daily quota limit will be removed. You can decide to set a limit to prevent unexpected spend, in the Cloud Console.

I received a billing violation notice. How practise I resolve this?

You accept received this observe because Google has determined that your business relationship has been using multiple billing accounts. This is a violation of Google's terms, equally defined in section iii.2.iv of the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service. Under these terms, it is forbidden to create multiple billing accounts. To learn more, run into the Billing Business relationship Violation FAQ.

Using the Google Maps Platform

Which keys or credentials should I apply for unlike Maps products?

Each time you employ Google Maps Platform products, you lot must include an API central to validate your request. The Google Maps Platform is bachelor for Android, iOS or Web apps, and via HTTP web services.

API Primal:

  • An API cardinal is a unique identifier that you generate using the Cloud Panel.
  • Case of loading an API with a key: &central=AIzaSyBjsINSH5x39Ks6c0_CoS1yr1Mb3cB3cVo

Digital Signature:

  • A digital signature is generated using a URL signing secret provided to you past Google. Digital signatures are used with the Maps Static API and Street View Static API.


  • API key restrictions are optional, but we strongly recommend you restrict all API keys for greater security. Come across API security best practices for more details.
  • You tin can add an awarding brake to the API central. Once restricted, a key will but piece of work on platforms that support that type of restriction. Four types of awarding restrictions are available. APIs enforcing the same restriction type can use the same restricted primal.
    • IP addresses (individual servers) - for use with the web service APIs.
    • HTTP referrers (web sites) - for apply with the web APIs.
    • Android app restriction (by packet name and fingerprint) - for use with the Maps SDK for Android.
    • iOS app restriction (by iOS parcel identifier) - for use with the Maps SDK for iOS.
  • You can as well add an API restriction to the API key. For more than information, encounter Go, add, and restrict an API primal.

The table below indicates the key/credential and application restriction for each Google Maps Platform API/SDK.

API/SDK Credential & Awarding Brake
Maps SDK for Android API central with Android restriction1
Places SDK for Android API fundamental with Android restriction1
Maps SDK for iOS API key with iOS restriction1
Places SDK for iOS API key with iOS restrictionane
Maps JavaScript API API key with HTTP referer restriction1
Maps Static API API key with HTTP referer restrictionane + Digital Signature2
Street View Static API API central with HTTP referer restriction1 + Digital Signature2
Maps Embed API API key with HTTP referer brakeone
Directions API API key with IP address restrictioni
Distance Matrix API API cardinal with IP address restrictionane
Elevation API API cardinal with IP address restrictionane
Geocoding API API key with IP address brake1
Geolocation API API key with IP address restrictionane
Roads API API fundamental with IP address restrictionane
Time Zone API API key with IP address restriction1
Places API API fundamental with IP accost brakeone

i API key restrictions are optional, but we strongly recommend y'all restrict all API keys for greater security.

two Depending on usage, a digital signature may exist required for the Maps Static API and Street View Static API. Regardless of usage, we strongly recommend that y'all employ both an API key and a digital signature to authenticate your requests.

How do I switch my fundamental restriction type from an HTTP referer to an IP address restriction?

Important: If you are using any of the spider web service APIs with an API key that has referer restrictions, your requests volition fail with the error message: "API keys cannot have referer restrictions when used with this API." You should switch to using an API primal with IP address restrictions.

Earlier you switch the API key restriction type from HTTP referer to IP address, ensure that all the APIs that apply the API key support the IP brake type. APIs of the same restriction type can use the same restricted key. If you lot need to enforce more than than one restriction, add together a separate key with the required restriction. Meet how to add a new API key.

Larn more nearly API key restrictions associated with Google Maps Platform products.

To switch an API key with HTTP referer restriction to IP accost restriction, do the following:

  1. Go to the Credentials page of the Cloud Console.
  2. Select the project that contains the API primal you want to edit.
  3. On the Credentials page, from the list of API keys, select the name of the API fundamental to edit the details of the key.
  4. In the Key brake section of the page, select "IP addresses (web servers, cron jobs, etc.)" and insert the appropriate server IP addresses, then click Save.
How exercise I get a new API cardinal?
See Become Started with Google Maps Platform.
How tin can I observe the changes introduced in each version of the Google Maps APIs?

Version modify information for many of the Maps APIs are available at the following links:

  • Maps JavaScript API
  • Directions API
  • Altitude Matrix API
  • Maps SDK for Android
  • Places SDK for Android
  • Maps SDK for iOS
  • Places SDK for iOS

Yous tin can also check which version of the Google Maps Platform a particular bug was introduced and stock-still in using the Google Maps Platform Issue Tracker at:

How can I load the API into a page asynchronously after the folio has loaded?

Just specify the callback parameter when loading the API. More information and sample lawmaking tin be plant in the Getting Started chapter of the Maps JavaScript API documentation.

How tin can I get Google Maps Platform products to brandish in a linguistic communication other than English language?

By default the API will endeavor to load the most appropriate language based on the users location or browser settings. Some APIs permit y'all to explicitly set a language when you make a asking. More information on how to set the linguistic communication is bachelor in the documentation for each API:

  • Maps JavaScript API
  • Geocoding API
  • Directions API
  • Distance Matrix API
  • Places API
Supported Languages:

Google often updates supported languages. This listing may not exist exhaustive and is subject to change.

Linguistic communication Code Language Language Code Language
af Afrikaans ja Japanese
sq Albanian kn Kannada
am Amharic kk Kazakh
ar Arabic km Khmer
hy Armenian ko Korean
az Azerbaijani ky Kyrgyz
eu Basque lo Lao
be Belarusian lv Latvian
bn Bengali lt Lithuanian
bs Bosnian mk Macedonian
bg Bulgarian ms Malay
my Burmese ml Malayalam
ca Catalan mr Marathi
zh Chinese mn Mongolian
zh-CN Chinese (Simplified) ne Nepali
zh-HK Chinese (Hong Kong) no Norwegian
zh-TW Chinese (Traditional) pl Smoothen
hour Croation pt Portuguese
cs Czech pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil)
da Danish pt-PT Portuguese (Portugal)
nl Dutch pa Punjabi
en English ro Romanian
en-AU English language (Australian) ru Russian
en-GB English (Great U.k.) sr Serbian
et Estonian si Sinhalese
fa Farsi sk Slovak
fi Finnish sl Slovenian
fil Filipino es Spanish
fr French es-419 Spanish (Latin America)
fr-CA French (Canada) sw Swahili
gl Galician sv Swedish
ka Georgian ta Tamil
de German language te Telugu
el Greek th Thai
gu Gujarati tr Turkish
iw Hebrew uk Ukrainian
hi Hindi ur Urdu
hu Hungarian uz Uzbek
is Icelandic vi Vietnamese
id Indonesian zu Zulu
information technology Italian

You can run into what the map will look similar in any of the languages listed above in this sample application.

Can the Google Maps Platform exist accessed over SSL (HTTPS)?

The Maps JavaScript API, Maps Static API, and Web Service APIs tin exist accessed over secure (HTTPS) connections. Please run into the documentation for the API concerned for information on how to admission the API over SSL.

Note that the Maps Static API does non support custom icon URLs that utilise HTTPS; the default icon will be displayed.

How practise I written report a problems or asking a new feature in the Google Maps Platform?

If you experience behavior that you believe may be a bug, please begin by raising it in the relevant forum. This volition allow other developers to validate the bug, and dominion out whatsoever potential issues with your lawmaking.

If you lot wish to request a feature, please also first enhance information technology in the relevant forum to confirm that a solution that meets your requirements is not already available.

In one case you have confirmed that yous have identified a new bug, or that your requirements cannot exist met by the existing functionality of the Google Maps Platform products, please report your problems or feature request using the Google Maps Platform Issue Tracker.

Before adding a issues or feature asking to the Issue Tracker please be sure to check that the bug or characteristic concerned has not already been added. If it has, yous can star the issue to register your involvement and be notified of updates.

How do Google Maps Platform APIs apply site cookies?

Maps SDK for Android and Maps SDK for iOS utilize cookies subject to Google's Privacy Policy, such equally calculating daily and 7-solar day active users and service abuse prevention. These cookies are not associated with any signed-in Google Account and are not logged with the rest of the information collected from the API calls.

I can't find the respond to my question. Who should I contact?

Google's Programmer Relations team maintains a presence on Stack Overflow — a collaboratively-edited question and answer site for programmers. It's a keen place to enquire technical questions about developing and maintaining Google Maps applications. More information about asking questions on Stack Overflow is available on the Support page.

For best results when requesting help, please go along the following in heed:

  • Search the current discussions. Chances are someone else has experienced a similar consequence and found a gear up.
  • Submit a link to your site if possible. Only mail code snippets if the lawmaking is non easily viewable online.
  • Provide all relevant information including browser versions, errors, and all other facts that may be useful in troubleshooting this problem.

Errors and troubleshooting

What does this mistake mean?

If you lot encounter an fault while loading or running the Google Maps APIs, delight encounter the following links to find explanations for the fault codes:

  • Maps JavaScript API
  • Maps Static API
  • Street View Static API
  • Maps Embed API
  • Elevation API
  • Geocoding API
  • Geolocation API
  • Directions API
  • Altitude Matrix API
  • Roads API
  • Fourth dimension Zone API
  • Places API
My maps appear darker than usual. What'southward happening?

Under sure circumstances, a darkened map, or 'negative' Street View prototype, watermarked with the text "for development purposes only", may exist displayed. This behavior typically indicates issues with either an API primal or billing. To use Google Maps Platform products, you must have a billing account and all requests must include a valid API key. The post-obit menstruation will help troubleshoot this:

How do I resolve the mistake codes: OVER_DAILY_LIMIT or OVER_QUERY_LIMIT?
These error codes tin be returned for whatever of the post-obit reasons:
  • An API key is missing from the request.
  • The provided API key is invalid.
  • The project does non have a billing account attached.
  • A self-imposed usage cap has been exceeded.
  • The provided method of payment is no longer valid (for example, a credit card has expired).
  • You accept exceeded the QPS limits for a given API.

To utilize Google Maps Platform products, you must have a billing account, and all requests must include a valid API key. To gear up this, take the following steps:

  • Ready up a billing account.
  • Go a new API key.
  • Accommodate your usage cap to increase your daily limit (if applicable).
How practise I resolve the error codes: kGMSPlacesRateLimitExceeded or 9005 PLACES_API_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED?
If you lot are seeing kGMSPlacesRateLimitExceeded or 9005 PLACES_API_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, you may be using a deprecated version of the Places SDK for Android or Places SDK for iOS. Larn more and find the new SDKs at
How practice I resolve the mistake: "This IP, site or mobile application is non authorized to utilise this API cardinal."?

There are various scenarios which may crusade this mistake:

  • You've enabled IP address (server) restrictions on your API central, and an unauthorized IP address is attempting a request.
  • Y'all've enabled HTTP referrer (website) restrictions on your API key, and an unauthorized referrer is attempting a request.
  • You've restricted usage to your Android apps past setting a package name and fingerprint, and an unauthorized Android app is attempting a request.
  • You lot've restricted requests from iOS apps by specifying bundle identifiers and an unrecognized iOS app is attemting to ship a request.
  • It used to be possible to get this fault if y'all used any of the web service APIs, with an API key with HTTP referer restrictions. Requests to those APIs should be identified with an API central with IP address restrictions. Switch your key restriction type from an HTTP referer brake to an IP address restriction. For more than information about restricting API keys, see API Primal Best Practices.

View and Edit your API Fundamental Credentials

To view your API keys and manage any restrictions, do the following:

  1. Go to the Credentials page of the Cloud Console.
  2. Select the project that contains the API key yous desire to review.
  3. To view credential details, including any restrictions ready for the key, from the listing of API keys, click the proper name of the cardinal.
  4. The full credentials of the selected API primal are displayed, including any restrictions set upward for the cardinal. From hither, the restrictions can be changed, deleted, or updated as needed.
How do I resolve the error: "API keys with referer restrictions cannot be used with this API."?

You are using any of the web service APIs with an API fundamental restricted to an HTTP referer. For security reasons, web service APIs need to utilise API keys restricted to IP addresses. Switch your key brake type from an HTTP referer restriction to an IP address restriction, or create a new API key if your central is already used with the Maps JavaScript API.

Google Maps Platform Services

I need to catechumen addresses to latitude/longitude pairs. Can I do that with the Google Maps Platform?

Yes, this process is called "geocoding." The Maps JavaScript API includes a course for performing a geocoding service. The form is: google.maps.Geocoder.

Alternatively, Google likewise provides the Geocoding API, which offers a Residual interface that can answer in JSON and XML formats.

Which countries is geocoding available in?

To see countries currently supported by the Google Maps Platform geocoders, please consult the Google Maps coverage data.

The accuracy of geocoded locations may vary per country, then you should consider using the returned location_type field to determine if a adept plenty match has been establish for the purposes of your awarding. Please notation that the availability of geocoding information depends on our contracts with data providers, so it is subject to change.

Why practise the Google Maps Platform Geocoders provide unlike locations than Google Maps?

The API geocoder and Google Maps geocoder sometimes use different data sets (depending on the country). The API geocoder occasionally gets updated with new data, then you lot can look to see results changing or improving over time.

How should I format my geocoder queries to maximise the number of successful requests?

The geocoder is designed to map street addresses to geographical coordinates. Nosotros therefore recommend that you format geocoder requests in accordance with the following guidelines to maximize the likelihood of a successful query:

  • Specify addresses in accordance with the format used past the national postal service of the country concerned.
  • Do not specify additional address elements such as business names, unit of measurement numbers, flooring numbers, or suite numbers that are not included in the accost as defined by the postal service of the country concerned. Doing so may result in responses with ZERO_RESULTS.
  • Format plus codes equally shown here (plus signs are url-escaped to %2B and spaces are url-escaped to %20):
    • global lawmaking is a 4 character area code and 6 character or longer local code (849VCWC8+R9 is 849VCWC8%2BR9).
    • compound lawmaking is a 6 character or longer local code with an explicit location (CWC8+R9 Mountain View, CA, USA is CWC8%2BR9%20Mountain%20View%20CA%20USA).
  • Use the street number of a premise in preference to the building name where possible.
  • Utilise street number addressing in preference to specifying cantankerous streets where possible.
  • Do not provide 'hints' such as nearby landmarks.
How should I format a U.S. address on a numbered highway for geocoding?

The Google Maps Platform geocoder requires that U.S. numbered highways be specified in addresses as follows:

  • County Roads: "Co Road NNN" where NNN is the road number. eg. "Co Road 82"
  • State Highways: "State NNN" where State is the total name of the land and NNN is the highway number. eg. "California 82"
  • U.S. Highways: "U.S. NNN" where NNN is the highway number. eg. "U.South. 101"
  • U.South. Interstates: "Interstate NNN" where NNN is the interstate number. eg. "Interstate 280"
When should I use an API geocoder class and when should I employ the HTTP Geocoding Service?

Run into the certificate: Geocoding Strategies, which details the pros and cons of different geocoding strategies.

How do I provide driving directions with the Google Maps Platform?

The Directions API allows you to provide driving directions for unmarried and multi-leg journeys. Routing options assistance you shape directions with a travel mode (driving), a single or a prepare of routes, and restrictions (no toll roads). The service is available in the following forms:

  • HTTP request/response interface (used in mobile and other applications) is compatible with Maps SDK for Android and with other Google Maps spider web services. See the Directions API for more than information.
  • JavaScript API, for client-side applications, allows you to provide driving directions via the google.maps.DirectionsService course. The DirectionsRenderer class can automatically create the overlays and directions console for you. Additional examples are provided in the documentation.
  • Java, Python, go, and Node.js client interfaces, for server-side applications, provide the same functionality. Reference documentation is bachelor at these links: Java Client for Google Maps Services, Python Client for Google Maps Services, Become Customer for Google Maps Services, and Node.js Client for Google Maps Services.
In which countries are driving directions bachelor?

To see countries currently supported by Driving Directions in the Google Maps Platform products, consult the Google Maps coverage data. Delight annotation that the availability of driving directions information depends on our contracts with data providers, and is subject area to modify.

In which countries are transit directions available?

The Directions API and Distance Matrix API support all Google Transit partners, except those in Japan.

Which KML and GeoRSS features are supported in the Maps JavaScript API?

The KmlLayer class in the Maps JavaScript API enables developers to overlay KML/KMZ and GeoRSS files on top of the map. Documentation and examples can be found here.

What are the limits on the size and complexity of KML that can be displayed using the KmlLayer grade of the Maps JavaScript API?

The size and complexity limits on the display of KML using the KmlLayer course are documented here.

How do I render KML files that are hosted on intranet sites on a map?

The KmlLayer class that generates KML overlays in the Maps JavaScript API uses a Google hosted service to think and parse KML files for rendering. Consequently it is not possible to brandish KML files that are non hosted at a URL that is available publicly accessible, or that require authentication to access.

If you demand to develop applications that apply KML files hosted on intranet sites nosotros recommend that y'all render the KML on the customer side by using tertiary-political party JavaScript libraries. Equally the KML file is analyzed by the browser, performance may exist lower than by using the KmlLayer grade.

What is the maximum number of markers or path vertices supported past the Maps Static API?

At that place is no limit to the number of markers or path vertices supported by the Maps Static API. When using custom icons, up to five unique icons tin be specified per request, just each can exist used multiple times inside the map.

Notation that Maps Static API URLs tin contain a maximum of approximately 8,192 characters which constrains the number of markers and path vertices that tin be specified based on the number of decimal places used when specifying each latitude/longitude pair. For information on how the number of decimal places used relates to the accuracy on the Earth see the Wikipedia article on Decimal Degrees.

Why can't I admission Google Maps Platform products for certain countries?

Maps APIs may not exist used in Prohibited Territories. Refer also to the Terms of Service.

How practise I written report a problem on the Google basemap?
Transport feedback through Google Maps for wrong or missing map information such as:
  • Wrong addresses or marker locations
  • Incorrect road names
  • Wrong information about ane-way and two-way roads
  • Incorrectly drawn route
  • Closed roads
  • Roads that don't be

For correction of a place or business listing, propose an edit.

If Maps content needs to be removed for legal reasons, submit a legal request.

For critical or time-sensitive requests, file a support case with specific details on what needs to exist fixed.

How is functioning monitored for the services used with Maps JavaScript API?

Some customer-side features are instrumented to written report success or failure for the purpose of calculating the SLO (Service Level Objective). This data is sent to Google at in calls that log SLO information. This information includes success condition, latency, and version/channel of the Maps JavaScript API in use. The calls may be batched for performance. Please annotation that you may need to allow in your Content Security Policy to ensure these calls are non blocked at browser-level. For instance: Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'cocky'; with HTTP headers, or <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self';"> with HTML Meta Tags.

Google Maps SDK for iOS

In Xcode 12, apps do not build correctly for the simulator. How can I fix this?

To fix this result, open your Xcode project Build Settings, and add arm64 to the Excluded Architectures for "iOS Simulator" builds merely.

For more than information, see the following StackOverflow thread.

How do I resolve the fault: kGMSPlacesRateLimitExceeded?
If y'all are seeing this error, yous may be using a deprecated version of the Places SDK for iOS. Version of the Places SDK for iOS has been turned off, and is no longer available. Please update your app to utilise the latest version as soon as possible. See the migration guide for details.
I'm getting crashes when debugging with an iOS 8.x device. What should I do?

If y'all experience issues when debugging with devices running iOS 8.x, follow these steps to disable GPU frame capture in the XCode scheme y'all are running:

  1. In XCode, choose Production, Scheme, Manage Schemes.
  2. Select a scheme and cull Edit....
  3. Prepare the GPU Frame Capture choice to Disabled. Note that this option may not be present for all devices.
What's the impact of rounded and wider screens on the Google Maps iOS SDK?

Outset with the iPhone X, iPhones have a screen shape featuring rounded corners, a notch at the top for the device'due south sensor housing, and an indicator at the bottom of the screen for accessing the Dwelling house screen. As of iOS xi.0 SDK, Apple tree added the Rubber Area API allowing developers to position elements in an expanse which is safe from existence clipped by the new screen shape.

The Google Maps iOS SDK has many visual elements and controls, such equally an indoor picker and the report a problem link. With version two.4, these visual elements and controls could be clipped past the new screen shape. In mural mode, the indoor floor picker may exist clipped by either the notch or the habitation button indicator.

With the Google Maps iOS SDK 2.five release these layout issues are stock-still automatically. When your app is used on an iPhone 10 or later, the padding on GMSMapView and GMSPanoramaView are increased then that the visual elements aren't clipped.

Past default, we will always include your padding. The Google Maps iOS SDK assumes that padding is intended to pad from within the rubber area. If you blueprint your interface with the assumption that everything is positioned inside the condom area, this will piece of work without any extra try.

If you have designed an interface which doesn't piece of work with our default adjustment, we have introduced a new holding to GMSMapView, called paddingAdjustmentBehavior. GMSMapView now allows you to pick from one of iii padding adjustments behaviors: 'Always' (default), 'Automatic', and 'Never'.

If GMSMapView is fix to utilise the 'Always' padding behavior, it will always add the safe expanse insets to the padding. This allows you to design your interface with the assumption that all placement is from the edges of the condom area. This is the default value.

If GMSMapView is fix to utilise the 'Automated' padding behavior, information technology will always choose the larger of padding or safety area inset. This will allow you to add padding from the screen border while e'er ensuring that all elements stay within the safe area.

If GMSMapView is ready to use the 'Never' padding behavior, information technology will never add the rubber area insets to the padding. This is the behavior prior to the ii.5 release and may be useful if your padding already takes into consideration the safe area, or if our other behaviors don't human activity well with your interface. It is your responsibleness to ensure that the Google logo and copyright notices are always visible, as specified in the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.

In contrast, GMSPanoramaView doesn't take an optional padding holding. This means that there is no padding to adjust and GMSPanoramaView will always apply any necessary padding to ensure that all visual elements are within the rubber surface area.

Google Maps SDK for Android

How do I resolve the error: 9005 PLACES_API_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED?
If yous are seeing this mistake, you may exist using a deprecated version of the Places SDK for Android. The Google Play services version of the Places SDK for Android has been turned off, and is no longer available. Delight update your app to use the latest version as soon equally possible. Run across the migration guide for details.
My app merely shows blank grey tiles instead of a map. How tin can I resolve this?

A mutual reason that a blank gray tiles are shown instead of a map is authentication issues. Y'all tin can follow the steps below to troubleshoot those issues by using adb logcat.

  1. Make sure you have adb installed. If not, you can follow the guide hither.
  2. Install the app that shows the trouble on a device or an Android emulator. If you employ Android emulator, make sure the emulator settings has Play Shop included.
  3. In Android Studio terminal, run adb logcat -east "Google Maps Android API". This will only print lines where the log message matches "Google Maps Android API" (Optionally, you tin can output the log to a text file by appending: > logcat.txt)
  4. Reproduce the issue on your device and check for common errors such as:
    • The incorrect/unintended API Key is beingness referenced in Manifest.
    • Billing isn't enabled on Project.
    • The SDK isn't enabled on project APIs.
    • The incorrect SHA1 fingerprint is added to the API Key restrictions.
    • The Google Play Service dependencies is not included in the build.gradle file.

URL signing

Can I sign URLs using JavaScript?

We strongly recommend against signing URLs using JavaScript as this would expose your URL signing hugger-mugger to cease users. Therefore signatures should only be generated by server side components.

Why am I receiving a HTTP 403 Forbidden response to my Maps API web service requests?

An HTTP 403 response indicates a permission outcome, probable because the signature could not exist verified for this request. This could exist because:

  1. A signature has been specified but is incorrect for this request.
  2. The asking specifies a Google Maps Platform Premium Plan an API key but does not specify a signature, and the service existence called requires that requests made using an API key include a valid signature.
  3. A signature has been specified simply the associated Google Maps Platform Premium Programme API key has non been specified.