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Read the Following Sentence From Desert Exile

ЗМРБ 3-2008

Английский язык
ХI класс


I. Open the brackets using the right forms of the verbs.

A.   Simon wishes he (1) (exist) bigger. When he was at school he (2) ( oft, laugh) at by the other boys because he was and then pocket-size. «If I (3) ______ (be ) stronger, I (four)_____________ (fight) them,» he thought. Now he is 20, but he (5) __________ (not/become ) bigger. Quite recently he (6) ______ (advise ) to join a gym, simply he is afraid that if he (vii) _____ (go ) there everyone  (8)_______ (tease) him.

B . Nosotros (nine)______ (drive) across the desert when our car (ten)_____ (break) down miles from anywhere. Nosotros had two flat tyres and at the same time crashed into a stone. Before the journeying we (11) _________ (warn) that the route (12) _______ (exist) unsafe but at that time nosotros (xiii) ________ (not/pay) much attention to the warning. At start we (14)__________(think) that somebody (15)________ (stop) and help only there was nobody else on the road.

2. Complete the 2d judgement so that information technology has a like significant to the beginning sentence using the discussion given. Don't alter the words given.

Example: Hateful   What is the significant of the word?

What does the discussion mean?

I now regret not having completed my studies at academy.
If _______________university.
ii. ENDS His wife'due south looking for a function-fourth dimension job, considering they are having financial difficulties.Since ____________his married woman's looking for a part-time job.
3. Brand What was your interpretation of his statement?What ______________________ said?
4. REFRAIN «I'd prefer information technology if you didn't smoke in the role,» the Manager said to us.The director politely ________________________in the function.
five. STICK We mustn't become separated in the crowd at the sit-in.We had _______________ the sit-in.
6. Center My neighbor is looking after the business firm while I am abroad.I've arranged for my neighbour ______________my absence.
seven.  HONESTY He requested the judge to take into account the fact that he had at no time lied to the court.He asked the judge _____________ consideration.
8. DARE I suppose they'll get the message eventually.I __________________ cease.
nine. MEANT We would take had to get up at if we had followed the original plan.Following the original plan_________ at 5.30.

III. Insert fifteen articles that are missing in the text.

Golden Gate Span has linked San Francisco and Marin Peninsula for more than than 50 years. Yet, building it was no piece of cake task. Idea of linking the two places was not a new one but it wasn't until 1917 that the outset workable blueprint was produced. It would have twenty years to complete bridge, and from outset there were many difficulties: rough waters, the frequently foggy conditions and danger of earthquakes all combined to make amalgam this bridge far trickier business than building New York's George Washington Span. Aureate Gate Bridge, which was and so the largest in the world, was finished on May 27th, 1937. Californians flocked to their new showpiece and walked from one stop to other. Next day it was opened to cars. During past 58 years it has been role of daily life for millions of commuters. Of course, its paintwork must be kept in expert condition. 28-man squad is responsible for this. If you thought Michelangelo needed good head for heights to paint Sistine Chapel ceiling, just spare thought for these men. The bridge stands at 4,200 anxiety. The trick, agree the painters, is never to look down. Rather them than us!

Four. Insert prepositions/postpositions where necessary.

Steve had been working for his company for five years when he was put (one)___ ____a promotion and he was delighted when he was offered a managerial post. Just not long after he had taken (2) __the task, the company changed (3)____ _____ a new method of accounting. Steve began suffering from two classic symptoms of stress — headaches and insomnia. «I'd thought I would enjoy the increased responsibility, merely I felt I was completely snowed (4)___» he says. «I was toiling (5) _____until eight o'clock every dark but to keep on top of the paperwork.»

Steve'due south experience is far from unique. Many situations at work can cause stress, ranging from taking (6) _____new duties or responsibilities to poor working weather, lack of training, fear of being laid (7) _____and even harassment and bullying. In the current climate of rapid change, many organizations seek flexibility and and then wait workers to be able to plough their easily (8) _____a diversity of jobs and this too tin can be very stressful for employees.

So what can you practise almost it if you think you're suffering from workplace stress? The good news is that employers are legally obliged to ensure employees' health, rubber and welfare at work and this includes bringing (9)_____       measures to reduce stress. Yet, stress is not a bailiwick an employee can hands bring (x) _____with an employer; in fact, this in itself can be a very stressful thing to practice. And so, if yous have a problem with stress, let your union know. They accept a legal right to accept (eleven) ____health and condom matters on employees' behalf.

V. Read the text and insert the alphabetic character corresponding to the best selection (А, В, С or D).

There is a point on the shore where paths seems to (1)______ , where the land (2) _____and the sea (3) _____. The beach (iv) ______for miles on either side. I stood there last night looking (v) _____ at the ocean and all those memories came (6) _____back. For a moment I saw her (7) _____towards me again as fast equally she could, nearly dancing her (eight) ______ over the gilt sand. We (9) _____ into the water and swam (10) _____ like ducks. And when we finally (eleven) _____ourselves out of the water, we (12) ______spread-eagled on the sand. Information technology's strange how the memories (thirteen) _____, isn't information technology? Such events (14)_____with you forever, don't they? I (fifteen) _____ my way habitation with a heavy heart.

 1. A squeeze B converge C face D come up
2. A halts B ends C cuts D discontinues
three. A begins B dawns C opens D embarks
4. A stretches B spends C goes D reaches
v. A on B off C out D over
half dozen. A flooding B returning C accumulating D running
7. A shifting B ambling C racing D pacing
viii. A steps B legs C manner D toes
ix. A plunged B dipped C swooped D bathed
10. A effectually B in C on D into
11. A dragged B transferred C ran D headed
12. A stood B lay C sabbatum D walked
13. A live on B go by C Article of clothing off D get through
xiv. A remain B go along C last D persist
15. A took B walked C constitute D made
Half-dozen. Utilize the word given at the end of each line to form a discussion that fits the gap in the same line.
Many people seem to have (1) _________ attitude towards drink driving. CONSIST
On the one paw, they view it every bit totally (2)___________that anyone should through their own selfishness exist a danger to other road users. To kill somebody while driving nether the influence is surely (3) ________, however adventitious information technology may exist, and is technically defined as (four)________killing. Have



Yet at the same time people (five) ____seem to assume that the same laws exercise not apply to themselves. Taking to the wheel having had a few glasses over the limit doesn't seem (6) ____ when you do it yourself. Surely only a couple of extra drinks is perfectly (seven) _______ , you reason. All the same when other people commit the offence, it is condemned as  (viii)_____and downright (9)_________       . RATIONAL


Why these double standards? Surely information technology makes perfect that such a potentially lethal practice be declared illegal? And yet the die-hards continue to flout the law, continuing to drive even when (10)________. Authorize

Seven. Rewrite the following sentences correcting the mistakes.

1. Unless yous are not too tired, we can climb the tower to adore the panorama of the town.
2. Nosotros won't exist able to carry out our program until we don't come to a mutual agreement.
three. In the catholic school she was made habiliment an ugly compatible made of night brown material.
4. Grace Kelly was famous as a Hollywood actress and then like the wife of Prince Rainier of Monaco.
5. I am somewhat puzzled how did he manage to beat the boxing champion.

Заключительный этап Республиканской олимпиады по иностранным языкам 2008 года

ANSWER Cardinal


i) were; 2) was often laughed; 3) were; 40 would fight; 5) hasn't go; 6) has been advised/was advised; 7) goes; 8) will tease; ix) were driving; 10) broke down; xi) had been warned; 12) was/would exist; 13) didn't pay; 14) thought; 15) would stop.


  1. If only I hadn't dropped out of university.
  2. Since they are having difficulty (in) making ends come across his married woman's looking for a part-time task.
  3. What did you brand of what he said?
  4. The manager politely asked u.s.a. to refrain from smoking in the office.
  5. We had better stick together in the crowd at the demonstration.
  6. I've bundled for my neighbor to keep an eye on the house in my absence.
  7. He asked the guess for his honesty to be taken into consideration.
  8. I dare say they'll get the message in the end.
  9. Post-obit the original programme would have meant (united states of america/our) getting up at 5.30.


The Golden Gate Bridge has linked San Francisco and the Marin Peninsula for more than than fifty years. Even so, building it was no like shooting fish in a barrel task. The idea of linking the two places was not a new one but it wasn't until 1917 that the first workable design was produced. It would take twenty years to complete the bridge, and from the outset there were many difficulties: rough waters, the oft foggy conditions and the danger of earthquakes all combined to make constructing this bridge a far trickier business than building New York'southward George Washington Span. The Golden Gate Bridge, which was then the largest in the world, was finished on May 27th, 1937. Californians flocked to their new showpiece and walked from 1 end to the other. The next day information technology was opened to cars. During the by 58 years it has been part of daily life for millions of commuters. Of class, its paintwork must be kept in good condition. A 28-man team is responsible for this. If you idea Michelangelo needed a good head for heights to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling, just spare a thought for these men. The bridge stands at 4,200 feet. The trick, hold the painters, is never to await down. Rather them than united states of america!


ane) in for; ii) upwards; 3) over to; four) under; five) away; 6) on; 7) off; 8) to; 9) in; 10) upward; 11) up.


1) В converge; 2) В ends; 3) A begins; iv) A stretches; 5) С out; half-dozen) A flooding; 7) С racing; 8) С way; nine ) A plunged; 10) A around; eleven) A dragged; 12) В lay; 13) A alive on; 14) A remain; 15) D fabricated.


i) inconsistent; two) unacceptable; 3) unpardonable; 4) unlawful; v) irrationally; six) unreasonable; 7) permissible; 8) unethical; ix) immoral; ten) disqualified .


  1. Unless y'all are as well tired …
  2. … until we come to …
  3. … she was made to article of clothing …
  4. … and so every bit a married woman of …
  5. how he managed to vanquish …

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Read the Following Sentence From Desert Exile
